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Blijdschap voor Dieren (Dierenbuddy) - Onlinedierenwereld

Joy for Animals (Animal Buddy)

The animal buddies do valuable work. With the help of the animal buddies, the elderly and chronically ill do not have to say goodbye to their beloved pet, because they are less able to take care of it.

What is an animal buddy?
Not everyone has family or friends (i.e. an animal buddy) who can step in to help when the need arises. Especially if an owner is temporarily unable to care for their own animal, for example the elderly who are suddenly confronted with illness or other physical discomfort, which may cause them to be housebound for some time. They are then rightly concerned when they cannot walk their dog, or are temporarily unable to provide another pet with the care it needs. There are many people with a small budget who cannot afford a walking service or care for a pet. Of course, they want their pet to continue to receive proper care. A helping hand from people in your own neighbourhood, a temporary animal buddy, can be very welcome. The daily activities that need support include walking a dog, or, for example, walking along when walking because someone has difficulty walking. Or, for example, help with cleaning the litter box, rabbit hutch or bird cage.

By registering animal buddies, the BVDD foundation tries to create a large coverage area in the Netherlands so that everyone can make use of an animal buddy if desired. Volunteers who register as a temporary buddy do so without any obligation and do not have any agreement with the BVDD foundation. The BVDD only mediates in the search for a care provider by providing the care requester with the details of providers known to it.

This project has several objectives:
On January 1, 2021, the Foundation for the Promotion of Pets Welfare has completed its activities of the national Aid project “what now?” also called Buddyproject, ended and transferred to our foundation Blijdschap voor de Dieren, BVDD. This unique national aid project in which people want to temporarily be Buddy for an animal(s) selflessly and without compensation will continue to exist in this way. If there is a need for the man, we can quickly look for people who want to help an animal. That can be walking, taking care of or babysitting an animal, both for a short and longer period of time.

Not only is the animal helped with good care. Also, the fact that someone does not have to worry about her or his pet takes away a lot of worries, so that people can quickly resume their normal activities.

Providing help is incidental.
We do not know from which corner of our country and at what time a request for support comes in. If possible, the foundation refers the care recipient to a volunteer who lives in the area, so that the caretaker can make contact with a provider. This is only possible if enough people are registered in that environment.

Registration is without obligation. 

We are looking for volunteers from all parts of the country who are willing to offer help on request, so that the applicant can make a choice.

How do you become an animal buddy and what do you need to know?

Sign up as an animal buddy for a temporary period! Please note: aid is not on a structural basis, but only temporary emergency aid. Once an application has been made, it is the intention that the volunteer and the care recipient make good agreements with each other, including with regard to any financial compensation. In the unlikely event that the assistance is deviated from, the foundation would also like to hear from you. In this way she can update her list of volunteers/care recipients.

In the event of an application, we advise that an acquaintance of the care recipient or social worker is present during the meeting. Safety and a good connection with a volunteer is important for the applicant. 'A good neighbor is better than a distant friend' and it is therefore advisable that the care recipient requests a VOG statement from the volunteer.

Volunteer registration.
Volunteers who, on an incidental basis and in their own neighbourhood/neighbourhood, want to offer help to owners with a pet in temporary need, can register via the form below. As soon as we have received your application, we kindly ask you to fill in a registration form via our website. You can find this here .

If we have received a request for help, we will contact a volunteer who lives in the district/neighborhood of the care recipient (based on zip code). It is important to make good agreements with the care recipient about the incidental and temporary emergency assistance offered by the volunteer.

Volunteers who register must be in possession of Private Liability Insurance (AP) and be 18 years or older.

Important:  As an animal buddy you are under no obligation.
And if the care demand is beyond your own capabilities, you can easily indicate that you cannot meet the request in question. Only after your agreement will the care recipient and the volunteer be put in touch with each other. Will you help us and do you care about the animals? Register now via

Questions or need help?
If you have any questions, you can contact us via the chat function at the bottom right of your screen or our contact form direct contact record with us. We can also be reached by telephone on +31 (0)545 201899, bgg. +31(0)682000839 . Would you like to read more about our work and the stories about the animals we mediate for? You  can consult our company page on facebook or view our animal page 


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