Aves Rearing
Aves Rearing/Start
Required per serving:
- 3 rusks (30 grams) or 8 measures of rusk flour or 40 grams of dried bread
- 1 egg (60 g.), boiled for 7 minutes, without shell
- 1 buddy Aves-Opfok/Start
- Mix rusk flour or ground bread with one measure of Aves-Opfok/Start.
- Grind this mixture and the peeled egg in a mixer.
- Let cool and store in the refrigerator.
Breeding birds: from 2 weeks before mating (or before the first egg is expected) until the young birds are transferred and during the moult.
Young: from birth to after the youth moult. Then switch to AVES POWER.
- 200 g for ± 4 kg egg-rearing food
- 800 g for ± 16 kg egg-rearing food
- 2500 g for ± 50 kg egg-rearing food
- 10000 g for ± 200 kg egg-rearing food
- Fresh egg food
- Contains a whole egg as the only Rearing/Starter feed
- Homogeneous composition
- Does not contain dyes
- Contains enough vitamin A for recessive white canaries
- Proven to be one of the best (rearing) feeds since 1976
About Aves:
Avesproduct, located in Raalte, specializes in the development and production of bird feeds. Through fundamental knowledge and research, Avesproduct has acquired an excellent reputation with its quality products, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Through years of intensive contact with bird breeders, zoos and scientific institutions, Avesproduct can provide versatile, practical and objective information. Aves products have been used with great success, since 1976, thanks to good service and professional support.
A lot of questions are always asked about bird food. Concepts such as the energy value, the desired nutritional value of bird feeds, the difference between vegetable and animal proteins, the function of vitamin E, the use of vitamin and mineral supplements are just a few examples.