<tc>Silica Gel (Formerly Anti-Lice) (500ml)</tc>
Anti louse also works against black louse and red louse!
For bird breeding, the red louse/red louse is the greatest danger.
This species of lice sucks the blood from your birds at night and even crawls into the nests of the young birds. Then they retreat back into crevices and seams. This weakens the birds, gets sick and will die.
Commonly available resources are often used. The lice are increasingly building up a resistance to these agents. Anti Luis fixes this problem.
Resistance is impossible with this product, because Anti-Louse physically kills the lice. This product consists of liquid thickened silica that affects all lice species when touched. In a very short time the lice dry out and die. If you have a lice infestation in your breeding facility, your health can also be at risk, because many people have an allergic reaction to lice. This can cause itching, skin irritation and bumps. This development brings with it a great relief.
Anti Luis has a smooth structure and can be applied with a brush on the following areas to be treated:
-Nest boxes
-Seams and crevices of the birdcage
-Known paths of the lice
After applying Anti Louse, it must dry for 24 hours. The layer is barely visible and can be washed off with warm water. Anti-Louse is no insecticideand no biocides (poison). The product is non-toxic and can also be used, for example, in chicken houses.
Dust formation does not take place. It is also possible to spray the product with more than 6 bar pressure. It should not be diluted with water, this reduces the effect.
Operating time:
Anti-Louse lasts for 12 months and must then be removed with warm water and reapplied.